
It was getting dark in the crowded Pol-e Sokhta street of western Kabul, but Malalai*, with her wheelbarrow of ice creams, wouldn’t return to her lonely home just yet. She hoped to make at least one more sale.
Nargis Baran was a rising legal star in Afghanistan. She became a target once the government fell.
The plight of prosecutors, judges, and defense lawyers left behind in Afghanistan is a critical issue.
ISLAMABAD — Pakistan has halted the expulsion of undocumented migrants from Afghanistan after discussions with the chief of the United Nations refugee agency.
It would be far better if U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) were to regard all Afghan asylum applicants as "allies" and consider them eligible for an expedited asylum application process and supportive policies, including the right to pro bono legal counsel, irrespective of their arrival through Operation Allies Welcome (OAW).